Tuesday 24 April 2012

The journey over the Atlantic

Hola chiquilines,
¿còmo anda?

This was one of the first phrase I learned in the country of mate, sun and Rio de la Plata... Welcome to my blog about my EVS experience in Uruguay. The idea of this blog is to share my experience from Uruguay with pictures and my observarvations.

My name is Edita and I am from the Czech Republic. How did I get to Uruguay? How can I do EVS in Latin America? Once upon a time I decided that I would go to Latin America. After some years knowing more and more about EVS I decided. I would go to Latin America to do my EVS there. And at a very specific moment the sun together with the stars brightened up. They aimed their brightness at Brussels. And here I am.
The Uruguyan flag - I think I know why I am here

However, everything started on 30th March. I put my backpacks on my back and chest and...uaaa, I almost fell down because it weighed about 30 kilos. But the bus would not wait, so I bravely made first few steps and set off.
Seems small, don`t they?
My first flight from Prague was to Dubai. It was the biggest plane I have ever travelled by.

It had 10 seats in one row. I think that about 450 persons can fit in.
Every seat has its screen with lot of movies and music to choose from.
After siw hours I got from Prague to Dubai and spent the night at the airport. In the morning I continued with the same size plane to Rio de Janeiro. This flight took 14 hours. And as it was my first trip over the Atlantic, I did enjoy very much.



The blue down there is the Atlantic

Passenegers are supposed to sleep during the flight, but I could not. I was fascinated. And drinking white wine above Africa and cafe with Baileys above the Atlantic Ocean, it was my first time.
After 14 hours we landed in Rio de Janeiro. It was more than 30 degrees.
The first view of Latin America


Rio de Janeiro, huge, but not the biggest in Brasil
After 1 hour I was in the air again. The last part of the trip was the flight to Buenos Aires. And the sun was setting down.

And finally after 24 hours on the plane I landed in Buenos Aires. This was the end of flying and beginning of South American adventure.

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